We are glad to communicate that our new laboratory in Padova has opened at the end of September. Pursuing one of our most important corporate mission and trying to be every day much closer to our customers, the new lab headquarter has been inaugurated. The purpose was to extend our analytical support to all the north of Italy in the most easily accessible manner, since a great part of our customer portfolio comes from the north-east of our country.
This new PreventLab site should be a reference for the electronic world not only for the everyday analyses concerning bare and assembled printed circuit boards but also a location for training in specific topics. Since several years, our team gives specific lessons on a wide range of issues involving a wider audience of clients. Moreover, we are IPC members and we organize IPC courses both at Padova and Vergiate.
Nevertheless, the real highlight of our laboratory in Padova is a brand new X-ray and tomography machine: the Quadra™ 7 of Nordson Dage. It is an inspection system of the latest generation with ultra-high resolution ready for optional extras such as X-Plane® for virtual slicing without the need to cut the board. This apparatus provides images in 4K UHD technology with incredible brightness, contrast, spatial resolution depth of field and grey scale permitting a clearer and easier analysis. The inspection is real-time giving the best images quickly to maximize throughput.
In addition, this machine is equipped with a special tool, a heated stage, essentially an oven, that permits to subject the sample to a thermal profile allowing to observe solder alloy behavior. However, the best improvement compared to previous technologies is the QuadraNT™ X-Ray tube that provides unbeatable images with high resolution at high magnification.